A heartwarming story of a couple from Kerala is receiving admiration online. The couple who fell in love 20 years ago, but could not get married due to a mismatch of the horoscope, finally tied the knot in this pandemic.
The couple named Giri and Thara run a Kerala State Road Transport Corporation bus together.
It is unlike any other bus, we must say .. The bus is grabbing eyeballs on the internet. It has a music system for entertainment, six CCTV cameras for passenger safety, emergency switches, an automatic air freshener, dolls and decorations for the amusement of children and an LED destination board installed in the vehicle.
According to the video, Giri and Thara have made this extraordinary bus by spending from their own pockets. Their passengers/ fans who travel regularly in the bus have even started Whatsapp groups.
The video with Giri and Thara showcasing the bus went viral with more than 1 million views. Thara shared, smilingly, that everyday they wake up at 1.15 A.M and reach the depot by 2.00 AM after which Giri cleans the bus and they begin their duty at 5.50 AM. For the couple who had met when Giri was 26 and Thara was 24 , it is quite a dream to run this cute little bus together.