When Neil Armstrong set foot on the surface of moon, he was startled by a voice in Gujarati ” E bhai, side ma park karo. ahi dukaan chhe.” ( please park your vehicle a little away. It obstructs the view to my shop). Every joke contains the gains of truth and this one too emphasizes the fact that how ubiquitous Gujaratis are, since several centuries.
Alappuzha or Alleppy as it is known by hordes of Gujarati tourists which flock Kerala every season has a hidden gem which the authorities have decided to revive. The Kerala Government had undertaken the task to renovate the Gujarati Quarter in the Alappuzha town comprising of Beach Road, Gujarati Street and Muppalam area as part of revival of Gujarati Heritage Centre.
Restoration of a 259 year old house built by Gujarati Tribhovandas Sheth is on cards. The house will be restored with proper masonry, woodwork, freshwater supply works, internal drainage and sanitary fixtures. Gujarat Tourism Department is helping the endevour by providing cultural specification.
The centuries old port town did not fail to attract the ever enterprising Gujaratis. Lucrative spice trade had intrigued the business sense of Gujaratis and propelled them to set up shop in this faraway spice country located conveniently on maritime maps. Gujarati communities such as Parsis, Jains, Vaishnavs and Kutchi Memons were present in Kerala for business since long.