In a shocking incident, a Class 12 student has allegedly stabbed his 17-year-old classmate at a school in Nanpura, Surat. The attack reportedly occurred due to a dispute over the victim speaking to the accused’s girlfriend.
The victim is currently undergoing treatment at the ICU of a private hospital, said police, which has booked the accused, also aged 17.
According to the police, the victim was having tiffin during the short break when his classmate approached him and picked up a fight. “Things escalated quickly and the boy’s classmate stabbed him multiple times on his neck, head and left hand. When another student tried to intervene, the accused hit him too, resulting in minor injuries,” said a police officer.
The school authorities rushed the victim to a nearby hospital. His father went on to file a police complaint against the accused under sections 118 (1) (voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons) and 352 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita.
A senior police officer said, “The accused is a minor and we will carry out the due procedure in such cases. The condition of the victim is stable. There was a conflict between both them over the victim talking to their female classmate, which irked the accused.”