Gujarat Police believes all security measures to be now strengthened, as Al Qaeda has threatened suicide attack in Delhi, Mumbai, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh. It has also issued an alert and for the first time, drones will be positioned for safety and security. The measure is needed as Gujarat will celebrate Jagannath Rath Yatra after a hiatus of 2 years due to the Covid-19 situation. Millions of people are expected to participate in the program.
According to Ahmedabad Crime Branch DCP Chaitanya Mandlik, all steps have been taken to ensure tight security against the threat posed by Al Qaeda. Security is said to be provided from the ground to the sky, and a thousand cameras will be positioned along with CCTV surveillance. The chariot, elephant, bhajan groups and trucks will be connected to the GPS system to oversee if there are any issues. This GPS system will make it easier to track vehicles or people easily in case of any unpleasantries.
Furthermore, such a mobile application has been designed that it alerts the police officers if there is any history sheeter, anti social elements or people involved in any crime nearby. All the information in the app is available to the officers and also the members of the peace committee of that area, who have been included in this application.
Earlier, top officials had inspected the route of Rathyatra from Jamalpur Jagannath temple to Saraspur Ranchodji temple for security measures. Before that, rehearsal of body worn cameras was also undertaken for the first time ever. At the day of celebration, officers shall carry such cameras along with them.
Mahant Dilipdas Swami of Jagannath Temple said that there is a lot of enthusiasm and excitement among bhakts as the ceremony will be held after a gap of two years.