The issue related to the Illegal trade of 60 lakh tonnes of coal to the tune of Rs 6,000 crore scam was raised in the parliament. Replying to the question by Rajya Sabha MP from Delhi Narayan Das Gupta, the Union Coal Minister said that the Gujarat government has been asked to look into the matter and the Centre has no intention of handing over a high-level inquiry into the matter.
According to the state government, the probe into the scam has been handed over to IAS officer and GIDC managing director M.Thennarasan from MSME Commissioner Ranjit Kumar J.
The state government sources, on the other hand, say that the investigation has now been handed over to Thennarasan, but the investigation is dawdling at a very slow pace and instead of blaming any bigwigs, the entire blame seems to be shifted solely to the agencies involved in coal distribution.
Earlier, Congress in a press conference had alleged the Gujarat government agencies of committing a scam of Rs 6,000 crore in the last 14 years by selling it to the industries of other states instead of providing it to the small and medium level industries of the state.