Kutch SP Mayur Patil has issued clarification regarding a viral video which claimed that a mob was chanting Pakistan Zindabad slogans outside the counting center during Gram Panchayat elections held recently.
Home Minister Harsh Sanghvi had immediately ordered an inquiry
in the matter, looking to the seriousness of the issue. Now Kutch SP Mayur Patil has clarified that in fact the slogans were raised hailing the husband of the winning candidate Reena Ben. The slogans went by ‘Radhubhai Zindabad’.
It was claimed that people shouted Pakistan Zindabad slogans. The video went viral and reached a large number of Internet users. There was overall resentment towards the incident in the country. However, late in the evening the matter took a different turn when the SP clarified and said that the perpetrators will be prosecuted.