A 90-year-old woman from the royal family of Thara in the Kankrej district of Gujarat was kidnapped in broad daylight over a matter of land dispute. Four men from the womans’ maternal side of the family kidnapped her and hid her in an unknown location. The police has started an inquiry in the matter.
The 90-year-old Rasik Kunwarba had been endowed with the 42-acre-land from her father Lagdhirsingh of the Rajkot village Gaddhada, reported sources. Over the ongoing dispute related to the land, on 3rd October an Innova car with the four perpetrators Gayatridevi Gajendrasinh Jadeja, Ravirajsinh Parmar, Hariraj Sinh Sodha and Pradhyuman Singh Jadeja came into the family home and carried out the kidnapping.
The police has filed a case against the four perpetrators and launched an enquiry into matter.