Gujarat government has landed itself in a bit of a soup over the class-3 police sub-inspector examinations. The state’s High Court has said that the government would need to scrap the entire examination if the bench orders any changes in the way the tests are conducted and the candidate’s performance is assessed. This statement came after the court heard a petition that challenged the methodology of the examination and recruitment process.
The PSI recruitment concludes after a 3-round examination for the candidates. First stage is a physical test, followed by a preliminary exam. Finally, those who have passed both these stages qualify for the main exam. The statement from the court is a real hit to the government as well as the candidates not involved in the petition, as the first two stages for 2022 recruitment have already been completed.
The physical test was conducted in December 2021, through which almost 2.5 lakh candidates were short-listed. The preliminary exam was conducted on March 6, results of which were announced on April 27. The candidates who have succeeded in these two tests are set to appear for the main exam scheduled for June 12. Nevertheless, if the court orders reforms to the entire process, future of these students will be uncertain.
Currently, nine petitions have been filed by around 880 candidates, who belong to both general as well as reserved category. These candidates are in the midst of recruitment process for the Police Sub-Inspector, Class-3.
It is understandable that the candidates are rather anxious over the court’s decision and are awaiting the order after the hearing scheduled for today.