Rajasthan Congress state-in charge Ajay Maken announced on late Friday evening that three of the state ministers have resigned. He informed Health Minister Raghu Sharma, Education Minister Govind Singh Dotasra and Revenue Minister Harish Chaudhary have written to Sonia Gandhi about their resignations.
He informed that he had met all the ministers on July 30. Meanwhile, the party discussed about some members to step down as minister and work for the party instead. Following which, the Rajasthan Congress ministers wrote to Sonia Gandhi and offered to leave their positions.
Maken further said that the Congress party respects the people and they are happy with the decision. All the ministers have been given good responsibilities in the party.
Govind Singh Dotasra is responsible for the State President, Tourism Minister and Education Minister. Harish Chaudhary will be responsible for the Punjab Congress in-charge. Meanwhile, Raghu Sharma will be responsible for Health Minister and in-charge of Gujarat, Damandiv.