Surat Police have arrested a married couple, who, together, stole Rs19 lakh worth of diamonds from a factory in Katargam area and sold them off. The investigation has revealed that the wife, who worked at the factory, managed to sneak out the diamonds and gave them to her husband. The husband, also an employee in the jewelry sector, then sold them to a broker in Mahidharpura area.
The owner Shaileshbhai Chotala of the factory, Shree Jewelers in Patel Industrial Estate, noticed that over one and half months, diamonds had gone missing and their worth now would be as much as Rs19 lakhs. This is when he made a police complaint. He also said that he was suspecting a woman employee named Priyanka Solanki who was engaged in diamond tailing and data entry.
Upon investigation, the police found that Solanki had given the diamonds to her husband so that they could be sold. However, the husband was in a hurry and so sold the diamonds at a rather cheap price.
The police have arrested the couple and taken legal action against them. They are also currently searching for the broker who bought the diamonds.