In Mosali Market in Mangrol town of Surat district, men drove away with a bag with jewellery worth Rs 19 lakh 80 thousand in broad daylight. Police have launched an investigation into the incident based on CCTV footage of men snatching away the bag belonging to a jeweller of the town.
The owner of Ambika Jewelers in Mosali Bazaar had placed a bag full of jewellery near the shop while opening the shop. Meanwhile, two men with covered faces took the bag and sped away. Local Mangrol police and the district LCB / SOG police have since initiated the investigation based on the CCTV footage.
With the onset of winter, thefts, robberies and chain have become commonplace in rural Surat. In the incident at Mosali bazar, the jeweller shouted for help and the locals rushed to the shop but before anyone could understand two men on a bike, fled with a bag full of gold jewellery.
The robbers on the bike seem to have conducted Reiki before committing the crime. However, the snatching was captured on CCTV and the police have investigated in that direction. A convoy of district police rushed to the spot
(Reporting by Kiran Gohil)