Former Indian cricketer Yuvraj Singh was arrested by the Haryana Police on Saturday in a case filed against him for using casteist slur against Indian spinner Yuzvendra Chahal during an Instagram live chat. However, he was reportedly released on an interim bail following the interrogation.
During Instagram live session with Indian team cricketer, Rohit Sharma in April 2020, Yuvraj Singh had allegedly referred Yuzvendra Chahal with a casteist slur. Following this Dalit activist Rajan Kalsan lodged a complaint against Yuvraj in June alleging that his remarks were intentional and degrades and defames the Dalit community. The activist also alleged that his comments were meant to provoke the community to create unrest in the country.
Yuvraj Singh took to social media after facing outrage over the incident. His Instagram post read, “This is to clarify that I have never believed in any kind of disparity, be it on the basis of caste, colour, creed or gender. I have given and continue to spend my life for the welfare of people. I believe in the dignity of life and respect each individual without exception…..My love for India and all its people is eternal.”