A corporator has moved the Gujarat High Court for cancellation of the forthcoming flower show in view of rise in cases of COVID and Omicron.The flower show is scheduled to begin on January 8.
Chandkheda Corporator Rajshree Keshari has filed the non disclosure petition in the High Court to cancel the flower show at the Ahmedabad river front in view of the increasing number of Covid-19 cases.
The petition states that more than 500 cases of Covid-19 have been reported in Ahmedabad in the last four days.The petitioner has flagged important facts in public interest. He is not sure if COVID guidelines would be followed when 400 people visit the flower show in an hour and by evening, 4,500 people will turnup. Besides, more than 200 staff members of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation will be present atthe show.
Talking to Vibes of India, petitioner Rajshreeben Keshari said, “The flower show should be cancelled in view of the current cases of Covid-19 and Omicron.
Questioning the government’s logic, he asked, “If it has been decided to accommodate only 50 percent passengers in AMTS (Ahmedabad Municipal Transport Service and Ahmedabad BRTS (Bus RapidTransport System), then what is the need for such a public programme?’’