For the first time in seven months, active Covid cases in Gujarat, breached the 2,000-mark, Wednesday. The state had 2,018 cases on August 23 last year. After three days, the state again breached the 400-daily cases mark with 401 cases. Of these, 141 were from Ahmedabad city, 30 from Surat city, 29 from Rajkot city, 22 each from Morbi and Vadodara, 21 from Vadodara city, 16 from Mehsana and 15 from Surat among others.
With the update, the state has 2,136 active cases. According to the health department bulletin, eight patients are on ventilators. Active cases include 929 from Ahmedabad, 225 from Rajkot, 219 from Surat and 218 from Surat.
The four major cities and districts accounted for 74% of the active cases in Gujarat. Ahmedabad had more than 10% test positivity rate (TPR) on the fourth consecutive day.
Fewer cases are registered in cities because of lesser number of tests being conducted, opined experts.
Meanwhile, in viewing of the rising numbers on the national level as well, the government has urged all states to follow the test-track-treat approach.
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