comScore In Two Years, Gujarat Registers Over 2,303 Cases of Illegal Chinese Manja Sales

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Vibes Of India
Vibes Of India

In Two Years, Gujarat Registers Over 2,303 Cases of Illegal Chinese Manja Sales

| Updated: January 10, 2025 17:46

In the last two years, Gujarat has witnessed a significant rise in illegal sales of Chinese manja, a dangerous type of kite-flying thread. A total of 2,303 cases have been registered for the illegal selling of Chinese threads, despite a state-wide ban on glass-coated nylon and plastic-coated threads. These threads have become a major concern due to the risks they pose to both human lives and wildlife.

Recently, in Surat, a 13-year-old boy lost his life due to electrocution. The boy was attempting to retrieve a kite caught in a high-voltage line near his home and it is believed that the Chinese thread he was using conducted the electricity, leading to his sudden death by cardiac arrest.

The danger to wildlife is equally severe, as birds are frequently killed when they come into contact with the glass-coated threads during kite-flying festivals. These threads can cause fatal injuries to birds, often leading to instant death.

Despite the known hazards, Chinese threads continue to be manufactured, sold and bought illegally. Government statistics show a staggering 2,303 cases filed for the illegal sale of these threads over the past two years. Between January 1, 2023 and January 15, 2024, 2,155 cases were registered, followed by an additional 148 cases between January 16, 2024, and December 31, 2024.

Ahmedabad has seen the highest number of cases, with more than 451 instances of illegal trade. The authorities have arrested 2,125 individuals, with Ahmedabad alone accounting for 371 of those arrests.

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