The Gujarat High Court has taken suo motu cognizance of the Morbi bridge accident. Notices have been sent to state government officials including home department, urban housing, Morbi municipality, state human rights commission. The court has asked the state to submit a report on the entire incident within a week. The next hearing will be on November 14. The Gujarat High Court has ordered a report on the Morbi accident within eight days. Suo Moto has been filed after the chief justice’s decision. The Gujarat High Court has also issued a notice to the Morbi district collector.
As many as 135 people were killed in a bridge accident in Gujarat’s Morbi and hundreds of injured were treated at government and private hospitals. The incident took place when people came to the bridge to celebrate holidays and have fun. A video of the accident had also surfaced. In this video, it was seen that some people are standing on the bridge and suddenly the bridge collapses and hundreds of people on it fall into the river below. After this some people save their lives by swimming and some people drown in the same water due to which they die.
Referring to the FSL’s preliminary report, advocate Harsendu Panchal said the contractor did not change the cable, only painted the cable. However, He only changed the flooring. After the Morbi bridge accident, the political atmosphere has also heated up. In Gujarat, the opposition is busy cornering the BJP.
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