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Vibes Of India
Vibes Of India

New Year Resolutions: Small But Concrete Ways To Start 2022 Right

| Updated: December 31, 2021 14:49

After a year of too many ups and downs with the second Covid-19 wave and then reopening of the world slowly and maybe we are nearing the third wave, we have come a full circle. The year has come to an end.
With the new year approaching as the calendar changes, it brings hope to people. Time for new journals and parting with mistakes has arrived. Parting with the year, people also try to part with bad habits and form new habits as resolutions. However, making resolutions is easier than maintaining them.

Most of us end up with such big resolutions that we never end up fulfilling them due to the amount of pressure. Consistency is the key. Even if small tasks are done consistently over a long period, then it will amount to big changes. So, this year let us resolve small things instead of big things. Here are 10 small resolutions that you can make for 2022:

1 Maintain a sleep schedule

It is not necessary for you to sleep at 9. Considering the modern way of living, it is impossible to sleep that early. However, it is not difficult to sleep at the same time every day, even if it is 12 at the night. Sleep at 12, every night. Sleeping at the same time will allow your body to follow and have a body clock wherein you will wake up fresh instead of tired. The feeling of not waking up tired will instantly make the rest of your day better.

2 Drink ample water

I know, I know, Cliched. But old is gold! Drinking enough amount of water throughout your day will help you remain hydrated which will help keep many problems at bay which includes headaches for a few of us. Also, a key benefit – Hello Clear Skin!

3 Get a new hobby

Whenever we hear the word hobbies, our minds immediately go to things we need to put in a lot of effort. However, it could be as simple as learning a daily life skill like cooking or learning to use the software you have been putting away for a long time. It could also be old school collecting with your own new twist. Instead of collecting stamps or coins, you could collect hangers! (Yes, people collect hangers) You can add your own interest.

4 Support Local Store

The last two years have made our lives shift completely online. Our shopping habits have also changed. But the market has also shifted online. Even the local markets have shifted online, from food to grocery, everything is available online. So, instead of just going to big names, try local food and clothes. As it is not mass-produced, you will end up with unique delicacies and a one-of-a-kind outfit in your wardrobe.

5 No screen time before bed

Scrolling through your Instagram is the easiest way to pass time before you sleep without realizing that you have scrolled through meaningless posts for hours. Instead, try to stay away from your screen for 30 minutes before you sleep. It will also give you time to retrospect the day you have had, plan the next day, spend time with your family or do anything that you desire.

6 Read more

Reading for even 10 minutes a day will help you learn something new. Read on the topics that you like. It will help you broader your horizons. Indeed, books can be your best of friends. If you do not learn something new, you might be transported to a world of your own choosing. It can be anything, fantasy, mystery or romance.

7 Track Money

Saving money in this economy can be quite difficult and you might fail in achieving that goal. The first step towards saving money would be knowing the whereabouts of your spending. Keep track of your finances, it will help you find out gaps in your fiscal planning. Eventually, after solving those problems, you will be able to reach your financial goal that could be anything of your choosing; saving, investing or spending it on yourself.

8 Be more kind

In the day to day lives, we forget to be kind, not only towards our loved ones but also strangers. The easiest but perhaps the hardest in implementation is this goal. Each person has their own journey and shortcomings. Try to be kind. Your small act of kindness can make someone’s day.

9 Prep your meals

It is so much easier to click on an app and get your meal delivered to you in the comfort of your home. It is very easy to make this a habit which might end up in a guilt trip. However, there is joy in creating. It might be difficult to cook every day while working but try to cook thrice a week. Prep your meals a night before and it can take all the pressure away. You can cook faster in the morning and have a calm morning. Prepare the dough, cut those veggies, so cooking does not seem tedious.

10 Take in sunshine and moonlight

Make sure to get at least 10 minutes of sunshine daily. It can be either dawn or dusk. We are, after all, animals at core. Our bodies were not designed to take in artificial light. Before sleep, take in the moonlight and look up at the sky more!
These are a few examples of small resolutions that you can make for the upcoming year. May this year bring a lot of blessings your way.

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