Prime Minister Narendra Modi inspected the site of the bridge collapse in Morbi on Tuesday evening. He was accompanied by Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel. Hours before Modi landed in Morbi, the government announced Rs 6 lakh compensation for the kin of the deceased, and Rs 50,000 for the injured.
Post inspection, Modi and Patel interacted with the injured at the Morbi Civil Hospital.
Earlier in the day, Bhupendra Patel said, “We are grateful to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for staying with us in this hard time and guiding us to lead Gujarat out of this grief.”
Search operation continued in the Machchu River two days after the incident which claimed over 140 lives. NDRF Commandant, VVN Prasanna Kumar, who is overseeing the rescue operation, said that a few bodies could be lying on the river bed.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has listed the petition seeking a judicial inquiry into the bridge collapse for hearing on November 14.
Also Read: Morbi Bridge Tragedy: Three Brothers Drown, Leaving Behind Mourning Parents