Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the Congress, was asked to vacate his government bungalow following his disqualification as a member of the Lok Sabha, and on Tuesday Mahant Sanjay Das, a seer of the Hanumangarhi temple, offered him a place to reside on the premises of the Ayodhya temple.
After being found guilty and sentenced in a 2019 criminal defamation case by a Surat court, the Congress leader was disqualified from the Lower House of Parliament. The issue concerned a comment he made while speaking at a campaign event ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, using the surname “Modi.”
Rahul Gandhi was given notice to leave his government bungalow by the Lok Sabha Secretariat on March 27 as a result of his disqualification as an MP. His government bungalow would no longer be allocated, according to the notice, starting on April 24.
Offering him stay at the Hanumangarhi shrine, Mahant Sanjay Das said: “We will welcome Rahul Gandhi at Hanumangarhi and Ayodhya. We will offer our place to him if he comes here.”
Rahul acknowledged the mandate of the people for the fond recollections of his time spent at the bungalow in a letter dated 28 March to the deputy secretary, MS Branch, Lok Sabha Secretariat.
Rahul previously declared on March 28 that he will follow the directive to vacate the government-allocated property.
“As an elected Member of Lok Sabha over the last four terms, it is the mandate of the people to which I owe the happy memories of my time spent here. Without prejudice to my rights, I will, of course, abide by the details contained in your letter,” Rahul tweeted.
Following the former Wayanad MP’s disqualification, Congress workers protested across the nation. Rahul Gandhi is welcome to stay with him or Sonia Gandhi, said the Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge.
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