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Vibes Of India
Vibes Of India

What would I do if I was a dictator?

| Updated: September 19, 2021 01:46

Anish Ganpathy

Yesterday, I was reading a book about famous leaders in history. While reading, I also came to know about many terrifying dictators whom everyone feared. It got me thinking, what would I do if I was a dictator of a country. So, I made the basic rules and regulations for the people of my country-

  1. Any school that would give children more than one page of homework will be shut down immediately.
  2. Parents have to give children one day to eat their favourite food every week.
  3. Textbooks and other books will be replaced with computers in all schools.
  4. There would be no bias based on caste.
  5. Anyone trying to take bribes will be put for life imprisonment.
  6. Anyone who breaks the rules and regulations would be made to work for the country every day till they don’t realize their mistake and apologize to everyone.
  7. Anyone who tries to escape the country would have to eat rotten food daily.
  8. No one would be poor, nor would anyone be rich. Everyone would be equal financially. 
  9. Everyone would have to take two years of training in the military and learn a foreign language.
  10. Anyone who tries to litter or pollute the country will be imprisoned immediately.
  11. Everyone from the country has to help in making a wall that fortifies the country.
  12. If anyone tries to overpower the dictator, one will be punished.

I also want people to understand that dictators need not always be bad people. To help with this problem, I would appoint people from various cities and towns around the country. It will ensure representation from every part of the country. I would also encourage the traders in my country to export products to other countries as it will improve our economy. I would also ensure that healthcare and education services are free for all.

Of course, the dictators I read about were quite different from what I want to be, but a true leader is someone who thinks for his country before anything else.

Anish Ganpathy is a class 7 student at the Anand Niketan School, Bhadaj, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

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  1. Girija Sukumar

    Atta boy way to go. Budding Prime Minister of India. We are with you Anish for your exceptionally great thoughts. That’s what we need for India ??

  2. RAVI TN

    You want to be a dictator? Would that mean I will have to take dictation? Ha ha
    Jokes apart, nice idea. Hope your wish becomes reality sometime in future.

  3. Hemang Trivedi

    Way to go Anish:))) so very forward looking and portrays the mischivious child in you who is also growing up to certain hardcore realities :)))

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