In a matter that came up in Lok Sabha on Wednesday, it was notified that around 9.79 lakh vacancies in the Central government for different posts and departments, lie vacant. Additionally, there are 1,472 vacant posts for Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officers.
As per Annual Report of Pay Research Unit of Department of Expenditure, 9,79,327 posts are vacant under various ministries/departments of the central government, as on March 1, 2021, Union Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh said in a written reply.
“Occurrence and filling up vacancies is a continuous process, as per the requirement of various ministries/departments/organisations of central government,” he said. The government has already issued instruction to all ministries/ departments for timely filling up of the unfilled posts, the minister briefed.
Rozgar Melas being organised by Government of India are expected to act as catalyst in further employment generation and provide meaningful opportunities to the youth for their empowerment and participation in national development directly, he added.
The state-wise sanctioned strength and the number of officers in the position of Indian Administrative Service as per civil list 2022 is 6,789 and 5,317 respectively, he added.
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts Civil Services Examination (CSE) for filling up of vacancies on direct recruitment basis in the category of Indian Administrative Service every year, he said.
In order to ensure optimal intake of directly recruited (DR) Indian Administrative Service officers, the Government has increased the annual intake of IAS officers to 180 through the Civil Services Examination since CSE-2012, on the basis of the recommendations of Baswan Committee, the minister said.
Mussoorie-based Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA) is the country’s premier training institutes for civil servants.
The Committee had also recommended that any number above 180 would “compromise quality,” “exceed the LBSNAA’s capacity” and “lead to distortion in the career pyramid of IAS officers, particularly for senior posts in the Government of India.”
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